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Reaching All Generations With The Truth

Reaching Gen Z with the Absolute Truth of God’s Word:

A Call to Share the Eternal Message In a rapidly changing world, where social media trends, technological advancements, and cultural shifts often redefine values, one truth remains unchanging: God’s Word, the Bible. As Christians, we are called to pass on this truth to the next generation, ensuring they experience the transformative power of God’s message.

Psalm 145:4-9 beautifully captures this responsibility: "One generation shall praise thy works to another and shall declare thy mighty acts. I will speak of the glorious honor of thy majesty and wondrous works. And men shall speak of the might of thy terrible acts: and I will declare thy greatness. They shall abundantly utter the memory of their great goodness and sing of their righteousness. The LORD is gracious and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy."

Understanding Gen Z: A Unique Opportunity Generation Z, born roughly between 1997 and 2012, is marked by curiosity, digital savviness, and a hunger for authenticity. They live in a world of information overload but are keenly aware of the gaps in meaning and purpose left by secular ideologies. This generation yearns for truth that transcends temporary trends, and as Christians, we have the opportunity to present them with the timeless, unshakable truth of God’s Word. Declaring God’s Mighty Acts Psalm 145:4 reminds us that faith is generational: “One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts.”

Reaching Gen Z requires us to tell the stories of God’s faithfulness from Scripture and our lives. Sharing personal testimonies, recounting biblical miracles, and highlighting God’s hand in history allows young people to see how His greatness transcends time. Speaking of His Majesty and Compassion In verses 5-8, the psalmist proclaims God’s glorious majesty and His abundant mercy: "I will speak of the glorious honor of thy majesty and wondrous works... The LORD is gracious and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy." Gen Z’s emphasis on compassion aligns with the character of God described here. Highlighting how God’s Word calls us to love others and show mercy resonates deeply with their values. At the same time, pointing them to the source of this love—God Himself—anchors their passion in eternal truth rather than fleeting ideologies.

Practical Steps for Reaching Gen Z

Leverage Digital Platforms: Gen Z spends much of their time online. Using platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube to share Scripture, create engaging content, and tell stories of God’s greatness ensures the message reaches where they are. Encourage Real Conversations: Be willing to listen to their questions and doubts. Gen Z values authenticity, so open and honest discussions about faith are essential. Model a Living Faith: Actions speak louder than words. Let them see the transformative power of God’s Word in your life. Demonstrating grace, compassion, and integrity provides a tangible example of God’s truth in action. Create Community: Gen Z desires connection. Church groups, Bible studies, and service projects tailored to their interests can foster a sense of belonging while grounding them in God’s Word.

Singing of His Righteousness Psalm 145:7 calls us to “sing of [God’s] righteousness.” Worship through music, art, and creativity resonates deeply with this generation. Encouraging them to express their faith in ways that utilize their unique gifts bridges the gap between ancient truth and contemporary culture.

Conclusion: A Gracious God for a Searching Generation Gen Z’s hunger for authenticity and purpose is an open door for the gospel. As we declare God’s mighty acts, speak of His majesty, and model His compassion, we fulfill the call of Psalm 145:4-9. Let us intentionally reach this generation with the absolute truth of God’s Word, knowing that His message is as relevant and transformative today as it has always been. The Lord’s mercy and grace extend to all generations, and we are privileged to carry His truth to the next. May we embrace this mission with passion and faithfulness, trusting in the power of God’s Word to change hearts and lives forever.



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Gen Z

Revial Thoughts GEN Z

March 07, 20255 min read

Originally Posted in 2023

For the last week I have been extremely sick. Added to my ongoing health issues, it has been extremely difficult. Because of the effects of the sickness and treatment, each joint is in excruciating pain, even my skin hurts to touch. I have developed a high tolerance for pain over the years due to not being able to take pain medication. When asked on a scale of 1 to 10 what the pain level is, I must ask myself how the average person would answer. This week my answer has been 9 to 10.  I know there is nothing I can take or do to give relief. In desperation I asked if we had anything in the house that had lidocaine in it. I was reminded it does not work for you.

My response got my attention. I answered that even if it only gives me seconds of relief it is better than the excruciating burning pain I am in now. I thought to myself that even a few seconds of relief gives me hope that the pain will end at some point. At that moment, I had the most vivid understanding of the rich man and Lazarus. The rich man lifted his eyes being in torment. He asked for one drop of water to be placed on his tongue. Even if he had received the drop, it would not have changed his condition. What it would have done was give him hope that someday the pain would stop.

I have a greater understanding of that now more than ever. It is all about the hope of someday the pain will be gone. The reality for me is that I have hope the pain will end. But for the rich man and others who died without Christ, there is no hope. The pain will not cease. This story of the rich man was told 2000 years ago. The reality is that the rich man is still there, with no drop of water, no hope.

While facing this reality of understanding this week I was listening and reading opinions on revival. Since revival is both personal and corporate, dissecting it makes it necessary for one to remove themselves from it to appear objective.  Once you remove yourself from it to see it you now need it. I am not here to dissect whether revival is taking place anywhere but within myself and to do so consider young college-aged students. 

At the top of every study, both secular and faith-based, one common item appears repeatedly in describing the Gen Z generation. This generation of young people are demanding someone tell them the truth. I believe that the outbreak on several campuses now is a result of this generation looking for Truth. There is a principle in Scripture that teaches that if we will believe and trust in the truth we know or the light we see, God will then give us more truth and light.

I have read articles this week of people criticizing these students for what they do not know or even for a wrong doctrine. I am glad God always takes us from where we are and not where someone thinks we should be. God works as He pleases to revive His people and to redeem the lost, often despite us.

Some use the passage of Scripture where Jacob returns to “Bethel,” the House of God, where Jacob saw the ascending and descending ladder, but the second time he renames the place “El Bethel,” The God of the House of God as a place of revival. We can be in the house of God all we want but until we get to know the God of the House of God it does us no good. This example does not seem as dramatic since it was a personal revival that affected not only a family, or a nation, but an entire salvation of mankind. 

We prefer to see spectacular revival and use stories like the entire nation of Nineveh coming to God after the message preached by Jonah. Nineveh’s story is not a picture of revival. It is a picture God caring for lost souls far more than His own people care for them.

I have seen in recent years people excited about weeks of ongoing “revival” and the testimony of countless numbers being saved. Some of the same critics of the “revival” taking place now were ardent supporters of those previous meetings.

Here is the difference between the two. The countless souls being saved then were simply due to God’s mercy and grace being poured out despite God’s people not because of them. Jonah was by no means in a revived state of loving God. He was angry at what God had done.  Notice in the story he expressed these thoughts with no one around only with God Himself. I watched these great meetings where souls were being saved and witnessed pastors and church members angry at God for not seeing any of those join their church. I saw pastors who barely spoke with other pastors in town, not speak to them at all now.  That is not a revival.

What we are seeing today on campuses today is a generation of young people begging for a touch of truth, a touch of God. Even if it is for a moment of relief from the dregs and pain of this world... It gives me HOPE we will have a full-fledged touch of God to turn our nation back to God. As we let time test this outpouring of spiritual awakening, do not dismiss the momentary relief, trust me it helps.  

revivalGen Z generationspiritual awakeninghope in sufferingtruth-seeking studentshope and faith
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Dan Woltmann

Evangelist Dan Woltmann grew up in the home of full time Christian school teachers. Saved at the tender age of 5, Dan surrendered to preach at the age of 14; he preached his first sermon at 16 to his youth group. He was privileged to meet and to learn from many pillars of fundamentalism and outstanding preachers. From these men he developed a strong conviction on the truth of God’s Word. Dan’s ministry experience is vast and varied. From starting four Christian service Bible clubs in college, to revitalizing churches and church ministries now for nearly 35 years. Direct one on one to ministry leaders as well as demostrating Biblical Worldview in the corporate world.

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